



Copyright © 2012 Hudson Associates Landscape Architects

PCC Aotea Block (2004)

Plan Review, Landscape Assessment

Location: Aotea Block, Porirua City

Client: Porirua City Council

The Aotea Block is a 246 hectare block of undeveloped rural land adjacent to State Highway 1 and overlooking the CBD of Porirua City. The block has been identified as containing significant landscape values worthy of protection under the Porirua City District Plan.

Carrus Ltd submitted Plan Change Request 2 proposing the establishment of the Business Park Zone. This proposal amends the planning maps so that the proposed Business Park Zone is shown and introduces new objectives, policies, rules and permitted activity standards to enable the establishment of a Business Park and to better manage the effects of activities therein.

Hudson Associates was engaged to provide Porirua City Council with recommendations on the landscape and amenity effects of the proposed Business Park Zone under the Proposed Plan Change 2 to the Porirua City District Plan requested by Carrus Ltd.

The report reviews the existing literature on the landscape character of the Aotea Block and provides an assessment of the visual sensitivities of the landscape in relation to the proposed plan change. Further issues relating to potential adverse effects on landscape and amenity values are identified and discussed. This assessment and analysis is used to review and critique the mitigation measures proposed under the plan change request and goes on to ground the discussion and consideration of alternative plan provisions that forms the basis for the recommendations in section 9.