Hudson Associates Landscape Architects
Landscape Assessment Specialists
Copyright © 2012 Hudson Associates Landscape Architects
PCC EQM Plan Change (2006-2008)
Environment Court Appeal, Landscape Evidence
Location: Porirua, Wellington
Client: Porirua City Council
The development envisaged as part of Plan Change 6 is for a cluster style rural-residential subdivision. The area involved is approximately 159ha and the plan change will change the zoning from Rural to a new zoning to be called the Judgeford Hills Zone. The proposed site is located south of the suburban area of Whitby on the southern side of the Pauatahanui Inlet in the City of Porirua, 15km north of Wellington .
The proposal includes the development of 40 rural-residential lots with a minimum size of 0.2ha. These are to be developed into five clusters ranging in groups from 4 to 16 houses. The balance lot is to either continue to be farmed as primary production areas (78ha) or to be set aside as environmental enhancement areas (22ha). The area is currently zoned as Rural.
Hudson Associates was involved as landscape architect providing advice to the Porirua City Council (Council) on landscape aspects of Plan Change 6 to the Porirua District Plan. Hudson Associates initially engaged by Council in 2006 to provide advice on the application by EQM Farming Ltd (EQM Farming) for the proposed Plan Change, along with attendance at the Council hearing.