



Copyright © 2012 Hudson Associates Landscape Architects

Sandon Road Subdivision (2008)

Landscape & Visual Assessment

Location: Fiedling

Client: Firecoal Ltd.

Firecoal Ltd was applying to subdivide an existing rural allotment of 109.29ha into 35 rural residential Lots and two new roads. Lot 36, which included the existing dwelling, farm sheds and farm, is the balance lot. The land was approximately 2.2km from Fielding on Sandon Road and was in zoned Rural 2 under the Manawatu District Plan which provide for 26 allotments as controlled activity. As 35 additional allotments are proposed the subdivision would be a non-complying activity. The landscape assessment was required to assess the landscape and visual effects of the proposal and that the proposed subdivision does not adversely affect the existing rural character and amenity of the Rural 2 Zone.

Hudson Associates was engaged by Firecoal Ltd to assess the site in the broader and local landscape context. An evaluation of the landscape and visual effects of the proposed subdivision was followed by an outline of the district plan. The report concluded with conclusion and mitigation with recommendations to Council.

Hudson Associates also prepared a Landscape Evidence and response to the officer’s report and recommended mitigation, along with the issues raised by submitters. But the Council Committee declined the application.