



Copyright © 2012 Hudson Associates Landscape Architects

Waikawa Lakes Subdivision (2008)

Assessment of Landscape and Visual Effects

Location: Waikawa Beach, Horowhenua

Client: Waikawa Lakes Limited

The application is by Pritchard Group Limited (PGL) on behalf of Waikawa Lakes Limited, for resource consents to Horowhenua District Council (HDC).The land is zoned Rural in the Horowhenua District Plan. The site is located at Waikawa Beach in the Horowhenua District and is accessed off  Waikawa Road which intersects with State Highway One, approximately 8.5km north of Otaki. The proposal involves the subdivision of an existing 51.81ha rural allotment into 92 rural lifestyle titles, recreation and local purpose reserves to vest, and a road to transfer to Council by dedication.

Hudson Associates was engaged by Waikawa Lakes Limited to present evidence on the landscape and visual effects. This evidence relates to the landscape and visual effects of the proposed development on natural character and amenity, which are of primary relevance in the applicable legal framework and Plans.